New Box Now Features!


We are happy to see a lot of our clients engage and ask for more in our BoxNow application, that we launched this May.

Some of the features we have made sure to include are:

First of all, through the Settings tab, you can add all your multiple locations that you have registered to BoxNow as places that you will be delivering your packages from. Simply add the location id and a name to recognize it, and tap on "Add new Location".

Moreover, you can add the standard shipping cost for your BoxNow deliveries, as well as the minimum amount for free shipping with BoxNow.



If you have another name or let's say 'alias' for your Cash on Delivery payment method on checkout, make sure to add it on the last input in your Settings, since it will be important for the creation of your BoxNow vouchers.



Don't forget to save all these options afterwards!!!


Last but not least, in the Order List tab we have added a new filter called "Shipping Line". Press the button "More Filters" to see all the filter options available. By selecting Shipping Line, the option "Box Now", pressing "Done" and then "Search" to reload the orders, you will be able to see all the orders created on your store that during checkout, the customers selected a BoxNow locker for the delivery method.


